September 16, 2019
In fact, there is no exact time period for cannabis flowering, and if it is grown indoors, we can determine the exact flowering time of cannabis by manipulating the light time and dark time of cannabis. And in the pre-flowering phase of cannabis, the decision is in the hands of the growers. Do you want it to bloom now or later? One thing you have to know is that the height of the cannabis plant does not mean that more buds will be produced. The number of cannabis buds is determined by the genes of seed, and the second factor is the environment in which cannabis grows, and the third is the number of nodes of cannabis, and in general, the more nodes there are, the more buds are produced accordingly. What is also needed to understand is that the quality of cannabis buds does not have much to do with time, which means that when it matures, two cloned plants removed from the same cannabis plant, for one is just planted, and the other experienced two months of nutrition period, the quality of the buds produced by the two may be the same.
So when cannabis matures, it blooms and gets the most buds. If you want cannabis to bloom, just put cannabis which is in the pre-flowering phase into darkness for long enough. During this period, you should be careful to avoid cannabis to come into contact with light, even for a few minutes, because cannabis will think that you are giving her the opportunity to continue to grow up, and will not enter the flowering phase. This dark process will usually have 12 hours. In this dark process, it doesn’t mean that the cannabis cannot accept the light any more but the cannabis begins to accept this dark environment. In the dark, cannabis produces a hormone called florigen, and as the dark time increases, it also produces more florigen, which stimulates the flowering phase of the cannabis. This is why we emphasize the need to provide at least 12 hours of uninterrupted dark environments. There are also plants that are exceptions in this flowering stage. Their flowering does not completely depend on the time of darkness or light conditions, in other words, even if we provide long enough dark time, the cannabis plant will not flower, because its flowering process is spontaneous, only related to the cannabis growth cycle, and the dark environment is not necessarily related. Some cycles are only ten weeks, while others have a longer growth cycle.
In a very extreme case, dark conditions can cause both female and male plants on a plant, and then pollinate each other, resulting in seeds. You can also remedy it by picking male plants off.