August 23, 2019
When the cannabis grow up, you need to prepare a grow pot for them. How to select the grow pot? There need to consider the size of the grow room or grow tents. And the material of the grow pot is also making a difference.
First, the grow pot would like to be made by the textile, which we also call them the Grow Bags.
So how to get the grow bags? One way is that you can buy a complete tent kit which contains almost all size of grow bags you want. Or you can visit the website ECO to find one which is fit for your cannabis.
The grow bag is often pair into the grow tent. Because the special material of them, you can take them to start the hydroponic. The advantage of grow bag is that they are easy to ventilate and your plants can get the air easily.
However, due to the material, they are not allowed to grow with the hydroponic and you must use the soil. So when you want to water your plants you must to be careful enough, keep them not too much, or the soil may plug your grow bag. For another reason is that the nutrients you have added into the soil before would reduce with the much more water. If it is too much, your grow room would get to be dirty.
So if you want to try this way to grow your cannabis plants, you need to notice the way of watering. Just keeping the soil moist is enough for the cannabis.
Second, you can find a terrine which is putted away for a long time is also OK to your cannabis seeds. What you need to do is to clean the terrine well. It is a big disaster for your plants if there are still many germ or fungus in the pot. You can add full of water to kill the germ in it, because most of germ will go to be death. Of course, you can also choose to find some medicals to deal with it.
If you just plan to grow cannabis at home by yourselves and grow the cannabis for yourself, not to do a big business, in my opinion, a terrine is good enough for you. On the one hand, it will not spend too much money for you, you can get even whatever is fit for the cannabis plants, but you need to deal with the germ in it.
With the terrine, you will be able to select which way to grow your cannabis plants, for instance, the soil or the hydroponic, you will get more control about your growing.
A grow pot is easy to prepare for your cannabis, what the most important is that you just need to ensure that they are clean enough for your cannabis plants to avoid bring something would invade into your grow room and damage your plants.
If you have any other problems, welcome to visit our website or comment under this article for your better growing. Good luck to you.