September 16, 2019
Cannabis is a odorous, high-value plant, and it has more than one specie. Although cannabis contains highly psychoactive THC, it does not stop the popularity of cannabis. As early as December 10, 2013, Uruguay drafted a bill on the legalization of cannabis as an recreational nature, intended to combat the forces of drug cartels. Although the bill did not receive a immediate response at the time, officially entered track a few years later, it was also the first step in opening a new chapter in cannabis. This was followed by Canada's announcement on October 17, 2018, that cannabis could be legalized as a hobby, which invisibly accelerated the pace of cannabis development. As a result, the high medicinal value of cannabis has also been constantly studied and attracted a large number of people to cannabis cultivation interest and obsession.
The first step in growing cannabis is to pick the right seed, which is a crucial step, and there are other factors which should be considered.
First, we're definitely going to pick healthy seeds to be the important choice to guarantee the germination rate of cannabis. Some of the cannabis seeds have a very beautiful skin with bright white or light green, and the cannabis shell cracked or dry, this kind of seed already deteriorated. It is impossible to germinate. Instead, some of the seeds that look brown or dark brown are healthy seeds, and they have irregular dark brown or gray mottled patterns or tiger stripes attached to the surface of the seeds. So, be sure to pick the right seeds for cultivation.
Second, we know that cannabis gives off a very strong smell during growth, especially when it enters the flowering stage, and the smell is even more repulsive. If it is grown at home, it will not only affect our accommodation, but also will cause the dissatisfaction of nearby neighbors, so when we choose seeds, it is also important to try to buy less smelly seeds to avoid over-attention.
Third, most of us who grow cannabis come for the CBD of the cannabis ingredient, while some maybe take it as an entertainment, but in any case, we all want cannabis to produce more buds to get what we need, and the main function of male cannabis is to reproduce, so we'd better choose the female seed and then grow it. There is a feminized cannabis seed on the market, mainly by combining the male pollen of cannabis with the pollen of female hemp, resulting in the seed. The feminized seed can develop into a female plant or hermaphrodites, but will never grow male plant. For seed purchases, we recommend that you go to a pharmacy so that there are no emergencies, and it is a better way to guarantee the quality of the cannabis.
Fourth, pick the variety you need. For example, if you want more CBD, choose a high CBD cannabis variety, such as industrial cannabis. If it's for entertainment, pick a variety with a high content of THC. Such a corresponding choice would not only increases production but also saves energy.
No matter what kind of seed is selected, choose healthy seeds, and then choose according to our specific needs. If you would like to learn more about cannabis, please contact our service staff and we will answer your questions as soon as we get.
August 19, 2020
August 19, 2020